Source code for openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet

from __future__ import absolute_import
# Copyright (c) 2010-2019 openpyxl

"""Worksheet is the 2nd-level container in Excel."""

# Python stdlib imports
from itertools import islice, product
from operator import attrgetter
import re
from inspect import isgenerator
from warnings import warn

# compatibility imports
from openpyxl.compat import (

# package imports
from openpyxl.utils import (
from openpyxl.utils.cell import COORD_RE

from openpyxl.cell import Cell
from openpyxl.utils.exceptions import (
from openpyxl.utils.units import (
from openpyxl.formatting.formatting import ConditionalFormattingList
from openpyxl.packaging.relationship import RelationshipList
from openpyxl.workbook.child import _WorkbookChild
from openpyxl.workbook.defined_name import COL_RANGE_RE, ROW_RANGE_RE
from openpyxl.utils.bound_dictionary import BoundDictionary

from .datavalidation import DataValidationList
from .page import (
from .dimensions import (
from .protection import SheetProtection
from .filters import AutoFilter, SortState
from .views import (
from .cell_range import MultiCellRange, CellRange
from .properties import WorksheetProperties
from .pagebreak import PageBreak

[docs]@deprecated("Use the worksheet.values property") def flatten(results): """Return cell values row-by-row""" for row in results: yield(c.value for c in row)
[docs]class Worksheet(_WorkbookChild): """Represents a worksheet. Do not create worksheets yourself, use :func:`openpyxl.workbook.Workbook.create_sheet` instead """ _rel_type = "worksheet" _path = "/xl/worksheets/sheet{0}.xml" mime_type = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml" BREAK_NONE = 0 BREAK_ROW = 1 BREAK_COLUMN = 2 SHEETSTATE_VISIBLE = 'visible' SHEETSTATE_HIDDEN = 'hidden' SHEETSTATE_VERYHIDDEN = 'veryHidden' # Paper size PAPERSIZE_LETTER = '1' PAPERSIZE_LETTER_SMALL = '2' PAPERSIZE_TABLOID = '3' PAPERSIZE_LEDGER = '4' PAPERSIZE_LEGAL = '5' PAPERSIZE_STATEMENT = '6' PAPERSIZE_EXECUTIVE = '7' PAPERSIZE_A3 = '8' PAPERSIZE_A4 = '9' PAPERSIZE_A4_SMALL = '10' PAPERSIZE_A5 = '11' # Page orientation ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = 'portrait' ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 'landscape' def __init__(self, parent, title=None): _WorkbookChild.__init__(self, parent, title) self._setup() def _setup(self): self.row_dimensions = DimensionHolder(worksheet=self, default_factory=self._add_row) self.column_dimensions = DimensionHolder(worksheet=self, default_factory=self._add_column) self.page_breaks = PageBreak() self._cells = {} self._charts = [] self._images = [] self._rels = RelationshipList() self._drawing = None self._comments = [] self.merged_cells = MultiCellRange() self._tables = [] self._pivots = [] self.data_validations = DataValidationList() self._hyperlinks = [] self.sheet_state = 'visible' self.page_setup = PrintPageSetup(worksheet=self) self.print_options = PrintOptions() self._print_rows = None self._print_cols = None self._print_area = None self.page_margins = PageMargins() self.views = SheetViewList() = SheetProtection() self._current_row = 0 self.auto_filter = AutoFilter() self.sort_state = SortState() self.paper_size = None self.formula_attributes = {} self.orientation = None self.conditional_formatting = ConditionalFormattingList() self.legacy_drawing = None self.sheet_properties = WorksheetProperties() self.sheet_format = SheetFormatProperties() @property def sheet_view(self): return self.views.sheetView[0] @property def selected_cell(self): return self.sheet_view.selection[0].sqref @property def active_cell(self): return self.sheet_view.selection[0].activeCell @property def show_gridlines(self): return self.sheet_view.showGridLines """ To keep compatibility with previous versions""" @property def show_summary_below(self): return self.sheet_properties.outlinePr.summaryBelow @property def show_summary_right(self): return self.sheet_properties.outlinePr.summaryRight @property def vba_code(self): for attr in ("codeName", "enableFormatConditionsCalculation", "filterMode", "published", "syncHorizontal", "syncRef", "syncVertical", "transitionEvaluation", "transitionEntry"): value = getattr(self.sheet_properties, attr) if value is not None: yield attr, safe_string(value) @vba_code.setter def vba_code(self, value): for k, v in value.items(): if k in ("codeName", "enableFormatConditionsCalculation", "filterMode", "published", "syncHorizontal", "syncRef", "syncVertical", "transitionEvaluation", "transitionEntry"): setattr(self.sheet_properties, k, v) """ End To keep compatibility with previous versions"""
[docs] @deprecated("Use the ws.values property") def get_cell_collection(self): """Return an unordered list of the cells in this worksheet.""" return self._cells.values()
@property def freeze_panes(self): if self.sheet_view.pane is not None: return self.sheet_view.pane.topLeftCell @freeze_panes.setter def freeze_panes(self, topLeftCell=None): if isinstance(topLeftCell, Cell): topLeftCell = topLeftCell.coordinate if topLeftCell == 'A1': topLeftCell = None if not topLeftCell: self.sheet_view.pane = None return row, column = coordinate_to_tuple(topLeftCell) view = self.sheet_view view.pane = Pane(topLeftCell=topLeftCell, activePane="topRight", state="frozen") view.selection[0].pane = "topRight" if column > 1: view.pane.xSplit = column - 1 if row > 1: view.pane.ySplit = row - 1 view.pane.activePane = 'bottomLeft' view.selection[0].pane = "bottomLeft" if column > 1: view.selection[0].pane = "bottomRight" view.pane.activePane = 'bottomRight' if row > 1 and column > 1: sel = list(view.selection) sel.insert(0, Selection(pane="topRight", activeCell=None, sqref=None)) sel.insert(1, Selection(pane="bottomLeft", activeCell=None, sqref=None)) view.selection = sel
[docs] @deprecated("Set print titles rows or columns directly") def add_print_title(self, n, rows_or_cols='rows'): """ Print Titles are rows or columns that are repeated on each printed sheet. This adds n rows or columns at the top or left of the sheet """ scope = self.parent.get_index(self) if rows_or_cols == 'cols': self.print_title_cols = 'A:%s' % get_column_letter(n) else: self.print_title_rows = '1:%d' % n
[docs] def cell(self, row, column, value=None): """ Returns a cell object based on the given coordinates. Usage: cell(row=15, column=1, value=5) Calling `cell` creates cells in memory when they are first accessed. :param row: row index of the cell (e.g. 4) :type row: int :param column: column index of the cell (e.g. 3) :type column: int :param value: value of the cell (e.g. 5) :type value: numeric or time or string or bool or none :rtype: openpyxl.cell.cell.Cell """ if row < 1 or column < 1: raise ValueError("Row or column values must be at least 1") cell = self._get_cell(row, column) if value is not None: cell.value = value return cell
def _get_cell(self, row, column): """ Internal method for getting a cell from a worksheet. Will create a new cell if one doesn't already exist. """ coordinate = (row, column) if not coordinate in self._cells: cell = Cell(self, row=row, col_idx=column) self._add_cell(cell) return self._cells[coordinate] def _add_cell(self, cell): """ Internal method for adding cell objects. """ column = cell.col_idx row = cell.row self._current_row = max(row, self._current_row) self._cells[(row, column)] = cell def __getitem__(self, key): """Convenience access by Excel style coordinates The key can be a single cell coordinate 'A1', a range of cells 'A1:D25', individual rows or columns 'A', 4 or ranges of rows or columns 'A:D', 4:10. Single cells will always be created if they do not exist. Returns either a single cell or a tuple of rows or columns. """ if isinstance(key, slice): if not all([key.start, key.stop]): raise IndexError("{0} is not a valid coordinate or range".format(key)) key = "{0}:{1}".format(key.start, key.stop) if isinstance(key, int): key = str(key ) min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = range_boundaries(key) if not any([min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row]): raise IndexError("{0} is not a valid coordinate or range".format(key)) if not min_row: cols = tuple(self.iter_cols(min_col, max_col)) if min_col == max_col: cols = cols[0] return cols if not min_col: rows = tuple(self.iter_rows(min_col=min_col, min_row=min_row, max_col=self.max_column, max_row=max_row)) if min_row == max_row: rows = rows[0] return rows if ":" not in key: return self._get_cell(min_row, min_col) return tuple(self.iter_rows(min_row=min_row, min_col=min_col, max_row=max_row, max_col=max_col)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self[key].value = value def __iter__(self): return self.iter_rows() def __delitem__(self, key): row, column = coordinate_to_tuple(key) if (row, column) in self._cells: del self._cells[(row, column)] @property def min_row(self): """The minimium row index containing data (1-based) :type: int """ min_row = 1 if self._cells: rows = set(c[0] for c in self._cells) min_row = min(rows) return min_row @property def max_row(self): """The maximum row index containing data (1-based) :type: int """ max_row = 1 if self._cells: rows = set(c[0] for c in self._cells) max_row = max(rows) return max_row @property def min_column(self): """The minimum column index containing data (1-based) :type: int """ min_col = 1 if self._cells: cols = set(c[1] for c in self._cells) min_col = min(cols) return min_col @property def max_column(self): """The maximum column index containing data (1-based) :type: int """ max_col = 1 if self._cells: cols = set(c[1] for c in self._cells) max_col = max(cols) return max_col
[docs] def calculate_dimension(self): """Return the minimum bounding range for all cells containing data (ex. 'A1:M24') :rtype: string """ if self._cells: rows = set() cols = set() for row, col in self._cells: rows.add(row) cols.add(col) max_row = max(rows) max_col = max(cols) min_col = min(cols) min_row = min(rows) else: return "A1:A1" return '%s%d:%s%d' % ( get_column_letter(min_col), min_row, get_column_letter(max_col), max_row )
@property def dimensions(self): """Returns the result of :func:`calculate_dimension`""" return self.calculate_dimension()
[docs] def iter_rows(self, range_string=None, min_row=None, max_row=None, min_col=None, max_col=None, row_offset=0, column_offset=0): """ Produces cells from the worksheet, by row. Specify the iteration range using indices of rows and columns. If no indices are specified the range starts at A1. If no cells are in the worksheet an empty tuple will be returned. :param range_string: range string (e.g. 'A1:B2') *deprecated* :type range_string: string :param min_col: smallest column index (1-based index) :type min_col: int :param min_row: smallest row index (1-based index) :type min_row: int :param max_col: largest column index (1-based index) :type max_col: int :param max_row: smallest row index (1-based index) :type max_row: int :param row_offset: added to min_row and max_row (e.g. 4) :type row_offset: int :param column_offset: added to min_col and max_col (e.g. 3) :type column_offset: int :rtype: generator """ if range_string is not None: warn("Using a range string with iter_rows is deprecated. Use ws[range_string]") min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = range_boundaries(range_string.upper()) if self._current_row == 0 and not any([min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row ]): return () min_col = min_col or 1 min_row = min_row or 1 max_col = max_col or self.max_column max_row = max_row or self.max_row if max_col is not None: max_col += column_offset if max_row is not None: max_row += row_offset return self._cells_by_row(min_col + column_offset, min_row + row_offset, max_col, max_row)
def _cells_by_row(self, min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row): for row in range(min_row, max_row + 1): yield tuple(self.cell(row=row, column=column) for column in range(min_col, max_col + 1)) @property def rows(self): """Produces all cells in the worksheet, by row (see :func:`iter_rows`) :type: generator """ return self.iter_rows() @property def values(self): """Produces all cell values in the worksheet, by row :type: generator """ for row in self.iter_rows(): yield tuple(c.value for c in row)
[docs] def iter_cols(self, min_col=None, max_col=None, min_row=None, max_row=None): """ Produces cells from the worksheet, by column. Specify the iteration range using indices of rows and columns. If no indices are specified the range starts at A1. If no cells are in the worksheet an empty tuple will be returned. :param min_col: smallest column index (1-based index) :type min_col: int :param min_row: smallest row index (1-based index) :type min_row: int :param max_col: largest column index (1-based index) :type max_col: int :param max_row: largest row index (1-based index) :type max_row: int :rtype: generator """ if self._current_row == 0 and not any([min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row ]): return () min_col = min_col or 1 min_row = min_row or 1 max_col = max_col or self.max_column max_row = max_row or self.max_row return self._cells_by_col( min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row )
def _cells_by_col(self, min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row): """ Get cells by column """ for column in range(min_col, max_col+1): yield tuple(self.cell(row=row, column=column) for row in range(min_row, max_row+1)) @property def columns(self): """Produces all cells in the worksheet, by column (see :func:`iter_cols`)""" return self.iter_cols()
[docs] @deprecated(""" Use ws.iter_rows() or ws.iter_cols() depending whether you want rows or columns returned. """) def get_squared_range(self, min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row): """Returns a 2D array of cells. Will create any cells within the boundaries that do not already exist :param min_col: smallest column index (1-based index) :type min_col: int :param min_row: smallest row index (1-based index) :type min_row: int :param max_col: largest column index (1-based index) :type max_col: int :param max_row: largest row index (1-based index) :type max_row: int :rtype: generator """ return self._cells_by_row(min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row)
[docs] @deprecated("""Ranges are workbook objects. Use wb.defined_names[range_name]""") def get_named_range(self, range_name): """ Returns a 2D array of cells, with optional row and column offsets. :param range_name: `named range` name :type range_name: string :rtype: tuple[tuple[openpyxl.cell.cell.Cell]] """ defn = self.parent.defined_names[range_name] if defn.localSheetId and defn.localSheetId != self.parent.get_index(self): msg = "{0} not available in this worksheet".format(range_name) raise KeyError(msg) if defn.type != "RANGE": msg = '{0} refers to a value, not a range'.format(range_name) raise NameError(msg) result = [] for title, cells_range in defn.destinations: ws = self.parent[title] if ws != self: raise NamedRangeException("Range includes cells from another worksheet") rows = ws[cells_range] if isinstance(rows, Cell): rows = [(rows, )] for row in rows: result.extend(row) return tuple(result)
[docs] def set_printer_settings(self, paper_size, orientation): """Set printer settings """ self.page_setup.paperSize = paper_size if orientation not in (self.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, self.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE): raise ValueError("Values should be %s or %s" % (self.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, self.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE)) self.page_setup.orientation = orientation
[docs] def add_data_validation(self, data_validation): """ Add a data-validation object to the sheet. The data-validation object defines the type of data-validation to be applied and the cell or range of cells it should apply to. """ self.data_validations.append(data_validation)
[docs] def add_chart(self, chart, anchor=None): """ Add a chart to the sheet Optionally provide a cell for the top-left anchor """ if anchor is not None: chart.anchor = anchor self._charts.append(chart)
[docs] def add_image(self, img, anchor=None): """ Add an image to the sheet. Optionally provide a cell for the top-left anchor """ if anchor is not None: img.anchor = anchor self._images.append(img)
[docs] def add_table(self, table): self._tables.append(table)
[docs] def add_pivot(self, pivot): self._pivots.append(pivot)
[docs] def merge_cells(self, range_string=None, start_row=None, start_column=None, end_row=None, end_column=None): cr = CellRange(range_string=range_string, min_col=start_column, min_row=start_row, max_col=end_column, max_row=end_row) """ Set merge on a cell range. Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """ self.merged_cells.add(cr.coord) self._clean_merge_range(cr)
def _clean_merge_range(self, cr): """ Remove all but the top left-cell from a range of merged cells """ min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = cr.bounds rows = range(min_row, max_row+1) cols = range(min_col, max_col+1) cells = product(rows, cols) for c in islice(cells, 1, None): if c in self._cells: del self._cells[c] @property @deprecated("Use ws.merged_cells.ranges") def merged_cell_ranges(self): """Return a copy of cell ranges""" return self.merged_cells.ranges[:]
[docs] def unmerge_cells(self, range_string=None, start_row=None, start_column=None, end_row=None, end_column=None): """ Remove merge on a cell range. Range is a cell range (e.g. A1:E1) """ cr = CellRange(range_string=range_string, min_col=start_column, min_row=start_row, max_col=end_column, max_row=end_row) if cr.coord not in self.merged_cells: raise ValueError("Cell range {0} is not merged".format(cr.coord)) self.merged_cells.remove(cr)
[docs] def append(self, iterable): """Appends a group of values at the bottom of the current sheet. * If it's a list: all values are added in order, starting from the first column * If it's a dict: values are assigned to the columns indicated by the keys (numbers or letters) :param iterable: list, range or generator, or dict containing values to append :type iterable: list|tuple|range|generator or dict Usage: * append(['This is A1', 'This is B1', 'This is C1']) * **or** append({'A' : 'This is A1', 'C' : 'This is C1'}) * **or** append({1 : 'This is A1', 3 : 'This is C1'}) :raise: TypeError when iterable is neither a list/tuple nor a dict """ row_idx = self._current_row + 1 if (isinstance(iterable, (list, tuple, range)) or isgenerator(iterable)): for col_idx, content in enumerate(iterable, 1): if isinstance(content, Cell): # compatible with write-only mode cell = content if cell.parent and cell.parent != self: raise ValueError("Cells cannot be copied from other worksheets") cell.parent = self cell.col_idx = col_idx cell.row = row_idx else: cell = Cell(self, row=row_idx, col_idx=col_idx, value=content) self._cells[(row_idx, col_idx)] = cell elif isinstance(iterable, dict): for col_idx, content in iterable.items(): if isinstance(col_idx, basestring): col_idx = column_index_from_string(col_idx) cell = Cell(self, row=row_idx, col_idx=col_idx, value=content) self._cells[(row_idx, col_idx)] = cell else: self._invalid_row(iterable) self._current_row = row_idx
def _move_cells(self, min_row=None, min_col=None, offset=0, row_or_col="row"): """ Move either rows or columns around by the offset """ reverse = offset > 0 # start at the end if inserting # need to make affected ranges contiguous cells = self.iter_rows(min_row=min_row) if row_or_col == 'col': cells = self.iter_cols(min_col=min_col) cells = list(cells) cells = sorted(self._cells.values(), key=attrgetter(row_or_col), reverse=reverse) for cell in cells: if min_row and cell.row < min_row: continue elif min_col and cell.col_idx < min_col: continue del self._cells[(cell.row, cell.col_idx)] # remove old ref val = getattr(cell, row_or_col) setattr(cell, row_or_col, val+offset) # calculate new coords self._cells[(cell.row, cell.col_idx)] = cell # add new ref
[docs] def insert_rows(self, idx, amount=1): """ Insert row or rows before row==idx """ self._move_cells(min_row=idx, offset=amount, row_or_col="row") self._current_row = self.max_row
[docs] def insert_cols(self, idx, amount=1): """ Insert column or columns before col==idx """ self._move_cells(min_col=idx, offset=amount, row_or_col="col_idx")
[docs] def delete_rows(self, idx, amount=1): """ Delete row or rows from row==idx """ remainder = _gutter(idx, amount, self.max_row) self._move_cells(min_row=idx+amount, offset=-amount, row_or_col="row") for row in remainder: for col in range(self.min_column, self.max_column+1): if (row, col) in self._cells: del self._cells[row, col] self._current_row = self.max_row if not self._cells: self._current_row = 0
[docs] def delete_cols(self, idx, amount=1): """ Delete column or columns from col==idx """ remainder = _gutter(idx, amount, self.max_column) self._move_cells(min_col=idx+amount, offset=-amount, row_or_col="col_idx") for col in remainder: for row in range(self.min_row, self.max_row+1): if (row, col) in self._cells: del self._cells[row, col]
def _invalid_row(self, iterable): raise TypeError('Value must be a list, tuple, range or generator, or a dict. Supplied value is {0}'.format( type(iterable)) ) def _add_column(self): """Dimension factory for column information""" return ColumnDimension(self) def _add_row(self): """Dimension factory for row information""" return RowDimension(self) def _write(self): from openpyxl.drawing.spreadsheet_drawing import SpreadsheetDrawing from openpyxl.writer.worksheet import write_worksheet self._drawing = SpreadsheetDrawing() self._drawing.charts = self._charts self._drawing.images = self._images return write_worksheet(self) @property def print_title_rows(self): """Rows to be printed at the top of every page (ex: '1:3')""" if self._print_rows: return self._print_rows @print_title_rows.setter def print_title_rows(self, rows): """ Set rows to be printed on the top of every page format `1:3` """ if rows is not None: if not ROW_RANGE_RE.match(rows): raise ValueError("Print title rows must be the form 1:3") self._print_rows = rows @property def print_title_cols(self): """Columns to be printed at the left side of every page (ex: 'A:C')""" if self._print_cols: return self._print_cols @print_title_cols.setter def print_title_cols(self, cols): """ Set cols to be printed on the left of every page format ``A:C` """ if cols is not None: if not COL_RANGE_RE.match(cols): raise ValueError("Print title cols must be the form C:D") self._print_cols = cols @property def print_titles(self): if self.print_title_cols and self.print_title_rows: return ",".join([self.print_title_rows, self.print_title_cols]) else: return self.print_title_rows or self.print_title_cols @property def print_area(self): """ The print area for the worksheet, or None if not set. To set, supply a range like 'A1:D4' or a list of ranges. """ return self._print_area @print_area.setter def print_area(self, value): """ Range of cells in the form A1:D4 or list of ranges """ if isinstance(value, basestring): value = [value] self._print_area = [absolute_coordinate(v) for v in value]
def _gutter(idx, offset, max_val): """ When deleting rows and columns are deleted we rely on overwriting. This may not be the case for a large offset on small set of cells: range(cells_to_delete) > range(cell_to_be_moved) """ gutter = range(max(max_val+1-offset, idx), min(idx+offset, max_val)+1) return gutter