Source code for openpyxl.writer.etree_worksheet

from __future__ import absolute_import
# Copyright (c) 2010-2019 openpyxl

from operator import itemgetter

from openpyxl.compat import safe_string
from openpyxl.comments.comment_sheet import CommentRecord
from openpyxl.xml.functions import Element, SubElement
from openpyxl import LXML
from openpyxl.utils.datetime import to_excel, days_to_time
from datetime import timedelta

[docs]def get_rows_to_write(worksheet): """Return all rows, and any cells that they contain""" # order cells by row rows = {} for (row, col), cell in worksheet._cells.items(): rows.setdefault(row, []).append((col, cell)) # add empty rows if styling has been applied for row_idx in worksheet.row_dimensions: if row_idx not in rows: rows[row_idx] = [] return sorted(rows.items())
[docs]def write_rows(xf, worksheet): """Write worksheet data to xml.""" all_rows = get_rows_to_write(worksheet) max_column = worksheet.max_column with xf.element("sheetData"): for row_idx, row in sorted(all_rows): row = sorted(row, key=itemgetter(0)) write_row(xf, worksheet, row, row_idx, max_column)
[docs]def write_row(xf, worksheet, row, row_idx, max_column): attrs = {'r': '%d' % row_idx, 'spans': '1:%d' % max_column} dims = worksheet.row_dimensions if row_idx in dims: row_dimension = dims[row_idx] attrs.update(dict(row_dimension)) with xf.element("row", attrs): for col, cell in row: if ( cell._value is None and not cell.has_style and not cell._comment ): continue el = write_cell(xf, worksheet, cell, cell.has_style)
[docs]def etree_write_cell(xf, worksheet, cell, styled=None): coordinate = cell.coordinate attributes = {'r': coordinate} if styled: attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell.style_id if cell.data_type != 'f': attributes['t'] = cell.data_type value = cell._value if cell.data_type == "d": if cell.parent.parent.iso_dates: if isinstance(value, timedelta): value = days_to_time(value) value = value.isoformat() else: attributes['t'] = "n" value = to_excel(value, worksheet.parent.epoch) if cell._comment is not None: comment = CommentRecord.from_cell(cell) worksheet._comments.append(comment) el = Element("c", attributes) if value is None or value == "": xf.write(el) return if cell.data_type == 'f': shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate, {}) formula = SubElement(el, 'f', shared_formula) if value is not None: formula.text = value[1:] value = None if cell.data_type == 's': value = worksheet.parent.shared_strings.add(value) cell_content = SubElement(el, 'v') if value is not None: cell_content.text = safe_string(value) if cell.hyperlink: worksheet._hyperlinks.append(cell.hyperlink) xf.write(el)
[docs]def lxml_write_cell(xf, worksheet, cell, styled=False): coordinate = cell.coordinate attributes = {'r': coordinate} if styled: attributes['s'] = '%d' % cell.style_id if cell.data_type != 'f': attributes['t'] = cell.data_type value = cell._value if cell.data_type == "d": if cell.parent.parent.iso_dates: if isinstance(value, timedelta): value = days_to_time(value) value = value.isoformat() else: attributes['t'] = "n" value = to_excel(value, worksheet.parent.epoch) if cell._comment is not None: comment = CommentRecord.from_cell(cell) worksheet._comments.append(comment) if value == '' or value is None: with xf.element("c", attributes): return with xf.element('c', attributes): if cell.data_type == 'f': shared_formula = worksheet.formula_attributes.get(coordinate, {}) with xf.element('f', shared_formula): if value is not None: xf.write(value[1:]) value = None if cell.data_type == 's': value = worksheet.parent.shared_strings.add(value) with xf.element("v"): if value is not None: xf.write(safe_string(value)) if cell.hyperlink: worksheet._hyperlinks.append(cell.hyperlink)
if LXML: write_cell = lxml_write_cell else: write_cell = etree_write_cell