Source code for openpyxl.utils.cell

# Copyright (c) 2010-2024 openpyxl

Collection of utilities used within the package and also available for client code
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import chain, product
from string import ascii_uppercase, digits
import re

from .exceptions import CellCoordinatesException

# constants
COORD_RE = re.compile(r'^[$]?([A-Za-z]{1,3})[$]?(\d+)$')
COL_RANGE = """[A-Z]{1,3}:[A-Z]{1,3}:"""
ROW_RANGE = r"""\d+:\d+:"""
ABSOLUTE_RE = re.compile('^' + RANGE_EXPR +'$', re.VERBOSE)
(('(?P<quoted>([^']|'')*)')|(?P<notquoted>[^'^ ^!]*))!"""
SHEETRANGE_RE = re.compile("""{0}(?P<cells>{1})(?=,?)""".format(

[docs] def get_column_interval(start, end): """ Given the start and end columns, return all the columns in the series. The start and end columns can be either column letters or 1-based indexes. """ if isinstance(start, str): start = column_index_from_string(start) if isinstance(end, str): end = column_index_from_string(end) return [get_column_letter(x) for x in range(start, end + 1)]
[docs] def coordinate_from_string(coord_string): """Convert a coordinate string like 'B12' to a tuple ('B', 12)""" match = COORD_RE.match(coord_string) if not match: msg = f"Invalid cell coordinates ({coord_string})" raise CellCoordinatesException(msg) column, row = match.groups() row = int(row) if not row: msg = f"There is no row 0 ({coord_string})" raise CellCoordinatesException(msg) return column, row
[docs] def absolute_coordinate(coord_string): """Convert a coordinate to an absolute coordinate string (B12 -> $B$12)""" m = ABSOLUTE_RE.match(coord_string) if not m: raise ValueError(f"{coord_string} is not a valid coordinate range") d = m.groupdict('') for k, v in d.items(): if v: d[k] = f"${v}" if d['max_col'] or d['max_row']: fmt = "{min_col}{min_row}:{max_col}{max_row}" else: fmt = "{min_col}{min_row}" return fmt.format(**d)
def _list_of_columns(): """Generate a list of all possible column names""" prods = chain( # A->Z ascii_uppercase, # AA->ZZ product(ascii_uppercase, repeat=2), # AAA->ZZZ product(ascii_uppercase, repeat=3) ) return ["".join(col) for col in prods] _COLS = _list_of_columns()
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_column_letter(idx): """Convert a column index into a column letter (3 -> 'C') """ if not 1 <= idx <= 18278: raise ValueError(f"Invalid column index {idx}. Indices must be between 1 and 18,278") return _COLS[idx-1]
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=None) def column_index_from_string(col): try: return _COLS.index(col.upper()) + 1 except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"{col} is not a valid column name. Column names are from A to ZZZ")
[docs] def range_boundaries(range_string): """ Convert a range string into a tuple of boundaries: (min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row) Cell coordinates will be converted into a range with the cell at both end """ msg = "{0} is not a valid coordinate or range".format(range_string) m = ABSOLUTE_RE.match(range_string) if not m: raise ValueError(msg) min_col, min_row, sep, max_col, max_row = m.groups() if sep: cols = min_col, max_col rows = min_row, max_row if not ( all(cols + rows) or all(cols) and not any(rows) or all(rows) and not any(cols) ): raise ValueError(msg) if min_col is not None: min_col = column_index_from_string(min_col) if min_row is not None: min_row = int(min_row) if max_col is not None: max_col = column_index_from_string(max_col) else: max_col = min_col if max_row is not None: max_row = int(max_row) else: max_row = min_row return min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row
[docs] def rows_from_range(range_string): """ Get individual addresses for every cell in a range. Yields one row at a time. """ min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = range_boundaries(range_string) rows = range(min_row, max_row + 1) cols = [get_column_letter(col) for col in range(min_col, max_col + 1)] for row in rows: yield tuple('{0}{1}'.format(col, row) for col in cols)
[docs] def cols_from_range(range_string): """ Get individual addresses for every cell in a range. Yields one row at a time. """ min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = range_boundaries(range_string) rows = range(min_row, max_row+1) cols = (get_column_letter(col) for col in range(min_col, max_col+1)) for col in cols: yield tuple('{0}{1}'.format(col, row) for row in rows)
[docs] def coordinate_to_tuple(coordinate): """ Convert an Excel style coordinate to (row, column) tuple """ for idx, c in enumerate(coordinate): if c in digits: break col = coordinate[:idx] row = coordinate[idx:] return int(row), column_index_from_string(col)
[docs] def range_to_tuple(range_string): """ Convert a worksheet range to the sheetname and maximum and minimum coordinate indices """ m = SHEETRANGE_RE.match(range_string) if m is None: raise ValueError("Value must be of the form sheetname!A1:E4") sheetname ="quoted") or"notquoted") cells ="cells") boundaries = range_boundaries(cells) return sheetname, boundaries
[docs] def quote_sheetname(sheetname): """ Add quotes around sheetnames if they contain spaces. """ if "'" in sheetname: sheetname = sheetname.replace("'", "''") sheetname = u"'{0}'".format(sheetname) return sheetname