Source code for openpyxl.utils.datetime

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
# Copyright (c) 2010-2017 openpyxl

"""Manage Excel date weirdness."""

# Python stdlib imports
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta, tzinfo
from math import isnan
import re

from jdcal import (

# constants
MAC_EPOCH =, 1, 1)
WINDOWS_EPOCH =, 12, 30)
CALENDAR_MAC_1904 = sum(gcal2jd(MAC_EPOCH.year, MAC_EPOCH.month,
SECS_PER_DAY = 86400

EPOCH = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
W3CDTF_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
W3CDTF_REGEX = re.compile('(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(.(\d{2}))?Z?')

[docs]def datetime_to_W3CDTF(dt): """Convert from a datetime to a timestamp string.""" return datetime.datetime.strftime(dt, W3CDTF_FORMAT)
[docs]def W3CDTF_to_datetime(formatted_string): """Convert from a timestamp string to a datetime object.""" match = W3CDTF_REGEX.match(formatted_string) dt = [int(v) for v in match.groups()[:6]] return datetime.datetime(*dt)
[docs]def to_excel(dt, offset=CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900): if isnan(dt.year): # Pandas supports Not a Date return jul = sum(gcal2jd(dt.year, dt.month, - offset if jul <= 60 and offset == CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900: jul -= 1 if hasattr(dt, 'time'): jul += time_to_days(dt) return jul
[docs]def from_excel(value, offset=CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900): if value is None: return if 1 < value < 60 and offset == CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900: value += 1 parts = list(jd2gcal(MJD_0, value + offset - MJD_0)) _, fraction = divmod(value, 1) jumped = (parts[-1] == 0 and fraction > 0) diff = datetime.timedelta(days=fraction) if 0 < abs(value) < 1: return days_to_time(diff) if not jumped: return datetime.datetime(*parts[:3]) + diff else: return datetime.datetime(*parts[:3] + [0])
[docs]class GMT(tzinfo):
[docs] def utcoffset(self, dt): return timedelta(0)
[docs] def dst(self, dt): return timedelta(0)
[docs] def tzname(self,dt): return "GMT"
try: from datetime import timezone UTC = timezone(timedelta(0)) except ImportError: # Python 2.6 UTC = GMT()
[docs]def time_to_days(value): """Convert a time value to fractions of day""" if value.tzinfo is not None: value = value.astimezone(UTC) return ( (value.hour * 3600) + (value.minute * 60) + value.second + value.microsecond / 10**6 ) / SECS_PER_DAY
[docs]def timedelta_to_days(value): """Convert a timedelta value to fractions of a day""" if not hasattr(value, 'total_seconds'): secs = (value.microseconds + (value.seconds + value.days * SECS_PER_DAY) * 10**6) / 10**6 else: secs =value.total_seconds() return secs / SECS_PER_DAY
[docs]def days_to_time(value): mins, seconds = divmod(value.seconds, 60) hours, mins = divmod(mins, 60) return datetime.time(hours, mins, seconds, value.microseconds)